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4: Your Children are not Robots

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

This is #4 in a series of 40 things you can do to stay married for 40 years.

Your children are not robots. You can't program them to be what you want them to be. You can only guide them and pray. Remind each other of this.

The minute you find out you're pregnant, you begin dreaming about what the little creature inside of you is going to be like. It starts out simple. Girl or boy. Then it explodes from there.

It's okay to have expectations for your children. Clearly they need guidance. Clearly they need discipline. But leave room for them to be who they are, and to make the mistakes that are going to teach them and shape them.

Find ways to channel their energy. Instead of screaming at them, "Stop it! You're driving me crazy!" work with them to find a different activity. Or maybe they are being perfectly fine and you've had a stressful day and you just need some quiet time. See if your spouse, relative, or friend could step in for a time so that you can go for a walk or take a hot shower.

Command a robot to stop, it stops. Command a kid to stop, they may not actually have the ability. They are in motion. Suggest an alternative. "Stop wrestling with your brother and go build something with Legos." You know your kid. Redirect them.

Think about why they might be acting the way they are. Do they maybe need some attention? Even though you are "with" them, they may not be getting the attention they need, or there may be something bothering them. Children are not robots, and children are not adults. They think differently. They have different motivations. They may need or want some love or attention, but they don't know how to ask for that, so they do crazy stuff to get your attention,

They are not robots and it would be pretty boring if they were.

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